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Gut-Dämme-Str. 11
52070 Aachen
Rangee GmbH © 2024


Rangee Windows Kommbox


Rangee Windows Kommbox
When Less Is More, Joy Meets Performance.

Take back control of your Windows installation. Focus functionality on the essential. Freedom is only absolute,
when everything is possible, but nothing is necessary. This can be achieved with a tool, which controls functiona-
lity according to your specifications without requiring lengthy explanations. Provide efficient work results with
innovative technology.

Unmatched aesthetics of work facilitation.

- Rangee Windows Kommbox is a management client for Windows operating systems
- Rangee Windows Kommbox can be used on all endpoints with any Windows 7 or Windows 10 version
- Rangee Windows Kommbox offers hardened Rangee Desktop, where the user can only access the necessary applications
- This can be any application running locally and remotely
- Users are not able to access lokal desktop settings
- Rangee Windows Kommbox is able to control Windows Updates, Defender and Writefilter settings
- Rangee offers Rangee Package Builder software, which ist used to create software update packages of any windows software
- This can be distributed through Rangee Thin Client Management Server (TCMS)
- Endpoints with Rangee Windows Kommbox XL can be manged remotely with Rangee Thin Client Managment Server (TCMS).

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