
Software made in Germany
Rangee GmbH has received the “Software Made in Germany” certification for the RangeeOS operating system. In addition to the development location, the association examined further criteria relating to quality, service and future-proofing of the solution as well as references in Germany. “Made in Germany” – three words that are internationally synonymous with top quality and satisfied customers. German products enjoy an excellent reputation in many industries today. SOFTWARE MADE IN GERMANY is an initiative of the Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand (BITMi e.V.). BITMi e.V. is the representative body for small and medium-sized IT companies in Germany and the IT industry association that exclusively represents the interests of small and medium-sized companies.

No-backdoors guarantee
No-backdoors self-declaration of Rangee GmbH

Energy Star
ENERGY STAR is a joint program of the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Department of Energy that helps save money and protect the environment through energy-efficient products and practices. Durch seine Partnerschaften mit mehr als 20.000 privaten und öffentlichen Organisationen, liefert ENERGY STAR die technischen Informationen und Werkzeuge, die Unternehmen und Verbraucher benötigen, um energieeffiziente Lösungen zu finden.
The company

ISO 9001 certified
A certified quality management system in accordance with the international ISO 9001 standard ensures that quality orientation determines the company’s thoughts and actions in every sub-process. All our efforts are geared towards meeting the needs of the market and consumers. Consumer expectations are at the heart of this. We align our activities with their quality requirements.

WEEE Directive
According to the “Electrical Disposal Act”, every manufacturer is obliged to take back its old electrical appliances and dispose of them properly. Rangee GmbH also disposes of your old ThinClients in an environmentally friendly and professional manner. We are registered in the (EAR) Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Register with the number DE 743 133 53 in accordance with the EU directive “ElektroG”.

Membership of Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand e.V.
The Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand e.V. (BITMi) is the representative body for small and medium-sized IT companies in Germany and the only IT trade association that exclusively represents the interests of small and medium-sized companies, with members active in all areas of the IT industry. The association includes software developers and hardware producers as well as system houses and IT consulting companies. The aim of the association is to accelerate company growth and the productivity of IT SMEs and drive market development through intensive networking. To this end, the association communicates the perspectives, strengths, significance, opportunities and problems of IT SMEs to politicians and the public. New business-to-business relationships and private-public partnerships are constantly emerging from the association’s efforts.

Membership REGINA e.V.
REGINA e.V. (REGionaler INdustrieclub Informatik Aachen) is an independent network for the ICT sector. Its various members from business, education and research offer a regional platform for lively and tangible dialog. 18 years ago, the Regionaler Industrieclub Informatik Aachen e.V. (REGINA) was founded to bundle ICT activities within the region, both in the university sector and in companies. The aim is to strengthen cooperation even further. In addition to companies and research and training institutions, the IHK Aachen and the technology transfer institution AGIT are also supporting pillars. REGINA currently has over 100 members and covers around 1/3 of the relevant companies. REGINA maintains close contact with Regitel, the Dutch partner organization, and recently also with Belgian organizations.

Membership Alliance for Cyber Security
With the Alliance for Cyber Security, founded in 2012, the Federal Office for Information Security is pursuing the goal of strengthening Germany’s resilience to cyber attacks.