GTC General Terms and Conditions The following conditions are part of all contracts for deliveries fromRangee GmbH, Gut Dämme Str. 11, 52070 Aachen, hereinafter referred to as Rangee. §1 OfferThe offers are subject to change. Rangee reserves the right to correct any...


Imprint Adress:Rangee GmbHGut-Dämme-Str. 1152070 AachenGermany Phone:+49 241 99 728 50Fax:+49 241 99 728 managing directors: Ulrich Mertz, Thomas Brejza, René Vögeli, Tobias WintrichRegister court:Local...
Rangee Thin Client RT-402

Rangee Thin Client RT-402

Rangee Thin Client RT-402 Compact, reliable and efficient. The entry-level model in a compact design impresses with its enormous efficiency.Solid technology provides a reliable solution for all everyday tasks.An optimal balance between affordability and performance....

Certifications & memberships

Certifications & memberships Rangee HistoryTraining Products Software made in Germany Rangee GmbH has received the “Software Made in Germany” certification for the RangeeOS operating system. In addition to the development location, the association examined further...