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3.H.A. Global Configuration

If Sign on boot is activated the user is prompted to enter ActiveDirectory user-data during the boot-process of the Thin Client.
Please choose a desired option below the header password security.
To sign on only with flashdrive you can read the 'HowTo USB-Start' at the Rangee Service&Support website.
During the log in you can load a configuration file for the active directory settings from an USB stick or a network share.
Choose for this to happen optionally fetch configuration from flashdrive or fetch configuration from share.
If fetch configuration from share is activated you can insert the server and path / server share.
The file name of the configuration file has to be named after 'active directory username' + file ending'.dat' or it can be chosen
in the text field configuration file manually.
Kommbox - ActiveDirectory Configuration→ Global Configuration

Figure 3.35. Kommbox - ActiveDirectory Configuration→ Global Configuration