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2.B. Hotkeys

Rangee Linux provides some useful hotkeys mentioned below which relieave the access to important information and settings for the user.
Ctrl + Alt + ← or →
move to next/previous link
Ctrl + Alt + End
minimize all windows and show the kommbox
Ctrl + Alt + ↑
maximize all active sessions
Ctrl + Alt + ↓
minimize all active sessions
Shift + Ctrl + Alt + N
shows the current network settings
Shift + Ctrl + Alt + C
show the running processes
Shift + Ctrl + Alt + F
reset to factory default
Shift + Ctrl + Alt + M
shows audiomixer
Shift + Ctrl + Alt + K
opens the kommbox
Shift + Ctrl + Alt + R
restart the device
Shift + Ctrl + Alt +V
shows the current OS-Version
Shift + Ctrl + Alt + P
restart smartcard
Shift + Ctrl + Alt + U
restart vnc-connection