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3.G.C.A. Global Configuration

Within the global printer configuration you can change the following values:
  • Bandwidth: The speed at which the printers will be accessed (Default vaule: 256000)
  • Packetsize: Defines the size of the individual packages which will be sent to the printer (Default value: 8192)
  • Maximum number of tries: The maximal number of connection tries to the printer (Default value: 100)
  • Port: This is the port at which all printers are reachable in the network (Default value: 4000)
Please change these values only if you really know what you are doing.
By checking the option share printers through Samba, you can share your printers if you would like to.
With the option ignore TCMS settings the locally changed settings of your Thin Client will be saved instead of the settings which are provided by the TCMS.
Kommbox – Peripherals → Global Printer Conifguration

Figure 3.27. Kommbox – Peripherals → Global Printer Conifguration