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4.C.C. New PN Agent/XenDesktop Connection

PN Agent is the abbreviation of Program Neighborhood Agent. This application was developed by Citrix Systems, Inc. and enables a connection to a server with installed Nfuse or Webinterface to start applications which were shared for a user.
Citrix XenDesktop is a solution to make virtual desktops available. In the following configuration dialogue the connection to a XenDesktop can be configured.
Choose the required modus - Webinterface or config.xml.
In the field server you have the possibility to directly enter a specific server to which you want to connect to.
When you have chosen the modus Webinterface please enter the ICA-server.
If you have chosen config.xml please enter the path to your config.xml file.
You can also enter a non-standard port in here.
In the login mode your have following options:
  • User Data
  • Samba with FQDN
  • Samba with Workgroup:
With the input fields user, password and domain you can enter data which is used when a connection and the login starts automatically. Otherwise a dialogue window pops up at connection start to ask for the values.
Windowmode offers the following options:
  • Normal: The connection starts with a normal window.
  • Flipflop: Every connection will be displayed in turns with dual mode on the left or the right display.
  • Fullscreen: The connection starts in fullscreen.
  • Monitor 1/2: The connection is display on the chosen monitor.
When XenDesktop is activated the first application will be automatically started in fullscreen. With XenDesktop you can use USB-redirection. The USB-reset delay has to be added in seconds to initialize USB devices in the XenDestop connection later.
Programrefresh describes the time span between the server-side configured window size and the scripted window size. (It solves the problem that the taskbar shows up two times).
If many applications are shared for a user in the Webinterface an application for the automatic start can be defined here.
With the connection ending options the user can choose between different options. These actions can be configured directly or chosen by the user.
Entropytime defines the time span at which the SSL key get generated automatically.
Automatic start of the PN Agent connection enables you to start the connection automatically after the boot up of the Thin Client. By default this option is deactivated.
Autostart when an IP address is available starts the connection only when the Thin Client has gotten an IP address.
Allow Autostart opens a dialogue window at the system start where the user can allow or cancel the start of the connection.
Autostart delay can be added in seconds.
Kommbox - Connections -> ICA configuration -> New PN Agent/XenDesktop connection

Figure 4.5. Kommbox - Connections -> ICA configuration -> New PN Agent/XenDesktop connection